Because circles are better than rows.

We feel biblical community is best done in small, biblically based, relational environments where mature disciples can be made. Connect Groups are the primary way we accomplish this.

Finding your tribe is easy.

We are trying to make it easier to 'find your people.' While we mostly focus our learning around the same things, our groups are as diverse as our church is.

We meet in different places; from homes to coffee shops and everything in between. You will find groups with people in the same stage of life to groups that have people from decades apart in age. It's all about finding the ones you are doing life with and becoming more like Jesus, together.

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Got questions? Here's a few answers to questions we regularly see about groups.

Are you ready to lead a group?

You know that it's important to belong to a community, not just attend a church.

We know that defining community is tough because being in community is more than showing up for church. Community is messy. It can also be beautiful. It's coming around the table, laughing till it hurts, and learning the way of Jesus together.  It's also crying with a certain family after group and praying around hospital beds.

What if you could help people find community, find family and become more like Jesus? You can! A great way is by leading or hosting a group.

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Fill out this simple form and our groups director will reach out to you soon!

Group Leader Form

Spiritual and Leadership History

This helps give us a snapshot of where you are on your spiritual journey.

Questions about leading a group?

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